ANKHPHARMA success is a reflection of the talent of its people working in different spheres like Marketing, Research & Development, Manufacturing, Human Resource Development etc. & the potential of its Entrepreneur & Managers. The value, ethics, interpersonal chemistry & congenial work environment makes the organization a cohesive, articulate & goal-directed unit.
At ANKHPHARMA, we constantly redefine excellence and our vision beckons us to forge ahead and achieve higher peaks. Intelligence, integrity, courage, imagination, self-respect, and a sense of belonging are qualities not in short supply in our company. Our culture encourages us to perform Herculean feats. We set our own goals and constantly strive to surpass them. Our personal and professional achievements are lauded, and amply awarded. In the midst of our achievements, we never forget that we are a team. We exist not to compete against each other, but strive together to conquer new horizons. In our journey to excellence, we take the time to get to know each other and share a few warm moments.
We are a dynamic team; excited about our basic purpose; and we share a common set of values. These values, vision and mission form the core of our identity that keeps the entire ANKHPHARMA team always responsive and innovative in varied situations.